Our Bouncers on Event Duty at City Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata. We provide Bouncer Service for Private Events, Corporate Events and Fashion shows.
Duties of Bouncers
- Providing Security Services at special Events such as Weddings, Concerts, Sporting Events, Private Events, Corporate Events and Fashion shows.
- Receving Event related tickets prior to prospective Clients entry.
- Furnishing Clients with wrist stamps, bands, or ticket stubs to denote their rightful admission.
- Providing Security and Saftey to Clients.
- Ensuring the saftey of customers by maintaining a secure environment.
- Traffic management and Parking Services.
- Provide assistance to people in need.
- Crowd control in the Event.
- Escorts VIPs in and out of the Event when needed.
- Provide Security, oversee and manage the entire Event.